A campaign to increase visible policing, better resource distribution and support for the communities in the Stellenbosch community was launched by the Democratic Alliance (DA). The “Safer Communities” campaign is Ian initiative by the DA, working together with the community, to create a safer living area for everyone.
“Crime continues to affect citizens across the Western Cape and robs residents of their freedom to live and work in a safe environment,” said James Vos, DA member of Parliament and Stellenbosch Constituency Head. “Over the past few weeks, I have personally visited and conducted oversight of the local police stations in the Stellenbosch municipality and have seen first-hand the challenges the police face.”
This campaign also deals with the prioritisation of rural safety by fast-tracking the introduction of safety units into the Stellenbosch community, as well as the implementation of specialised units which will deal with gang and drug-related crimes.
“We have also noted that the allocation of policing manpower and resources has decreased in the Western Cape. The terrifying truth is that in the Western Cape the police-to-public ratio is 1 police officer to every 509 people,” Vos added.
The party has committed to bringing safety to those it has pledged to take care of, and these include initiatives such as the Walking Bus project. This particular project has helped out many communities, as road safety-trained volunteers walk learners to and from school on foot. It has also provided Neighbourhood Watches in the community with accreditation in the form of training and resources.
The party also activated robot blitzes throughout the day on Monday to amplify their message and call on residents to support this initiative.
“In addition, we will also be launching a petition calling for safer communities which I will submit to parliament,” Vos said.

Picture: Pixabay