SANParks has expressed concern over the recent incidents in the Table Mountain National Park, and has urged tourists to report any crime to the nearest police station.

SAN Parks spokesperson Merle Collins said, “To this end, Table Mountain National Park has appointed a dedicated Visitor Safety Team whose role it is to keep crime to a minimum in the national park. And that has produced many successes since its inception. In addition, the Park also boasts a ranger corps who have as one of their roles law enforcement in the park. These teams are supported by a dog unit consisting of twelve level 4 security trained canines.”

Last week, a South African guide and a Japanese tourist died while climbing the mountain.

Given the extent and remoteness of the park, Collins said that it is a challenge to have a presence everywhere at all times and said that entry remains at own risk.

Safety tips                                                                                                                 

  • Never hike, run, cycle etc alone – four or more is an ideal size for a party.
  • Plan your route from start to end and choose the route according to the ability, fitness and experience of the group. This will prevent potential injury
  • Inform someone exactly which route you are taking as well as your expected time of return) and stick to this route and plan.
  • Always go prepared for bad weather, i.e. take proper weatherproof clothing even on a sunny day (wind and rain proof); torches – with spare batteries and globes; good footwear – strong boots or shoes with non-slip soles; food; water; a flask of tea or some other beverage; a rucksack to carry it all in – so as to leave your arms and hands free.
  • Undertake your activity with somebody who knows the way and carry a guidebook, map or route description. A registered guide is recommended.
  • Keep to the designated routes on well-used paths. Heed signs advising of danger and do not take short cuts or unknown routes
  • Leave valuable like cash and cameras behind

Picture: Pixabay


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