If you ever plan to pick a fight, Terminator star Arnold Schwarzenegger would be last person on the list of possible candidates.

A man in Johannesburg thought otherwise, and kicked the former action movie star into a crowd today during his visit to South Africa.

A video, showing  Schwarzenegger being kicked in the back by an unknown assailant, while he was attended the Arnold Classic Africa Festival on Saturday May 18, has gone viral.

In the video Schwarzenegger is seen happily taking a video while a young athlete is warming up when the attacker runs at him from behind and kicks him in the back.

The attacker can then be seen falling to the floor while the former governor of California stumbles after the impact.

The man was then immediately apprehended, while shouting, “I want a Lamborghini.”

Following the incident Schwarzenegger reached out to his concerned fans via Twitter, thanking them for their concerns and saying that he didn’t even realise that he was kicked. He thought he was just bumped by someone in the crowd, until he saw the video later on.

Many South African were mortified by the incident and shared their thought on Twitter.

Here is another viewpoint of the incident:


Picture: Youtube


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