In every community there are people who bring happiness and support to others while carrying their burdens alone. Calvin Kevin Ilungu Inkongolo is one such person. The Sea Point community were a little shaken when they heard of his demise last week. It is alleged he committed suicide.

On June 4, Calvin was found hanging outside of the home of Reverend Natalie Angela Barnard in Sea Point. Calvin worked as a dog walker and was well-known to many residents in the area.

Tributes have poured in for Calvin since his passing. When he was found, his body was reportedly very thin. He had experienced much trouble during lockdown to make ends meet.

A street lamp in the area has since been filled with tributes and flowers, commemorating the young man’s life and mourning his absence.

Calvin’s family are not able to cover the costs for his funeral. Rev Natalie Angela Barnard has asked those who can afford to help to please contribute towards funds for  his family to lay him to rest.

“I have made contact with Calvin’s family and they need our financial support with regards to the funeral and to assist Calvin’s extended family who also have no income at the moment. I am meeting with the family and will assist with all arrangements with regards to the funeral etc. As per regulations under lockdown level 3,” said Barnard.

You can support Calvin’s family by donating using the banking details below:

St Andrew’s Presbyterian church
Cape Town
Standard Bank Cape Town
Account number 070507112
Reference Calvin funeral/family

South Africa has the sixth highest suicide numbers in Africa, with hundreds of people ending their lives each year due to hardships and personal struggles.

Some warning signs of people struggling with suicidal thoughts include:

– isolation/withdrawal

– excessive sadness

– feeling of hopelessness

– engaging in dangerous/harmful behaviour

– recent loss or change in events

When someone leaves their life behind by committing suicide, a gaping hole is left where they once were. If you or anyone you know suffers with suicidal thoughts please make use of the numbers below:

Here are some emergency numbers to call:

– Suicide Crisis Line – 0800 567 567

– SADAG Mental Health Line – 011 234 4837

– Dr Reddy’s Help Helpline – 0800 21 22 23

Also read: Western Cape has highest mental illness rates

Also read: Affordable counselling and legal advice for locals

Pictures: Facebook
