Increased crime in the Sea Point area has residents up in arms. It reached boiling point this week and a petition was started on the Sea Point Community Facebook group to unite residents against the influx of criminal elements.

“There has been a spike in robberies, breaking in of vehicles, harrasement and verbal abuse from these bad elements on our community members,” a statement attached to the petition reads.

“I thought it was time for us to actually do something about the increase in crime in our community. It might not be me physically removing all these bad elements from our streets but it’s a start. Lets unite and stand up against these bad elements taking over our streets one day at a time,” writes Kirsty Leigh Hahn, the member who started the petition. “Nothing will improve if nothing is done about it. We can complain, share our traumatic experiences and debate about it but if we do not at least try we have already failed.”

According to Hahn, the problem “only gets bigger”.

Lets work together, get the petition signed and take the necessary steps in order to take back our community,” she writes. 

Hahn plan on documenting the experiences of the Sea Point Community group members by keeping track of the encounters and experiences residents have with criminal elements.

“If you wish to remain anonymous please inbox me and I will post on your behalf,” Hahn says.

“In my opinion, they have been doing the most. If anything they’ve been doing more than the police. Their hands are tied because they can’t keep these elements out of the area when police release them right back into the community after being handed over to police by these guys in the black vans.Its a vicious cycle,” one community member said in the comments.

“As much as I help feed the homeless and help the community it is getting out of hand that the government is not doing anything to help these people in need (not the matter of the fact but they helping no no one). The government needs to step in and remove the homeless and locate them where they have food and shelter,” another resident commented on the petition.

To many people are being harassed and or robbed on a daily basis on our streets. We have a right to peaceful life in Seapoint,” another resident commented on the petition.

Thus far, the petition has gathered 139 signatures but this number is expected to climb as more residents become aware of it.

You can sign the petition here.

Picture: Pam Golding Properties
