A female student was violently stabbed on Tuesday morning while walking in the Bo-Kaap area and the City of Cape Town is urging residents to report any sightings of the assailant responsible for the attack.

Executive Mayor, Dan Plato is appealing to members of the public to come forward with any information regarding the attacker who has been identified in CCTV footage.

“While police pursue the suspect involved in the brazen stabbing that took place earlier this week, any member of the public who may have information must please come forward and assist authorities in tracking down the suspect,” he said.

Footage of the suspect was captured on the City’s closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras.

“This footage will assist the South African Police Service (SAPS) in arresting the suspect and I am sure that members of the public will be on the look-out for the suspect and help the authorities apprehend the man,” said Plato

CCTV cameras are as valuable mechanism of surveillance technology in criminal matter as it aids law enforcement agencies in apprehending suspects. With a recorded 1600 cameras, the City of Cape Town is home to the largest number of cameras in Africa.

Plato acknowledged the assistance of the two neighbours who helped the French tourist after she was stabbed several times. “I also want to thank the residents who rushed to the victim’s assistance as their actions are likely to have saved her life.”

Mayco member for Safety and Security, JP Smith says that between December 2018 and February 2019 CCTV cameras in the City have detected 1512 incidents of a criminal nature. “CCTV cameras are an important tool to reduce crime in the city. Ward councillors are encouraged to invest in CCTV cameras where crime hotspots are identified. The City’s CCTV cameras are monitored closely by staff trained to identify suspicious behaviour which facilitates proactive policing.”

The City plans to implemented more CCTV cameras through the ward allocation budget by the City’s Safety and Directorate amounting to R17-million. All the funds will be used for installation of CCTV and license plate recognition cameras, communication equipment for neighbour watch orgnaisations and extra personnel employed via the City’s Rent-a-Cop programme.

Plato says that the City aims to improve safety and security in local communities. “As the Mayor of Cape Town I committed to putting more law enforcement on our streets and we have already started with the recently deployed eighteen extra officers to the CBD, and the additional 100 being deployed to the areas of Bonteheuwel and Bishop Lavis later this month.

An additional R165-million has been added toward the City’s safety efforts and schemes.

“We call on the SAPS to arrest the suspect as soon as possible,” said Plato

Picture: ER24


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