Western Cape Premier Alan Winde has called on countries that ordered more COVID-19 vaccines than they needed to send them to South Africa.

Debates have been raging over “vaccine apartheid” and “vaccine inequality”, with some countries well stocked, and others not.

“If you have excess, we are very interested. We put our hand up, News24 quoted Winde as saying.

Meanwhile, Winde pleaded with Western Cape residents to stick to the COVID-19 regulations during the Easter weekend.

“Please make sure we stick to the regulations. We understand what we all got to do in playing our part, our own responsibility of staying safe, avoiding crowded areas, making sure we are not helping to spread the COVID-19 virus,” Winde said.

Watch the video below

According to Winde, as of April 1, the Western Cape had 2 313 active COVID-19 infections, with a total of 220 226 confirmed cases and 266 398 recoveries.

See more details below:

Update on the coronavirus and vaccine rollout ?

As of 1pm on 1 April, the Western Cape has 2313 active Covid-19…

Posted by Premier Alan Winde onĀ Thursday, April 1, 2021

PICTURE: Cape Town etc gallery

ALSO READ: 5% spike in COVID-19 cases in WC ahead of Easter weekend

5% spike in COVID-19 cases in WC ahead of Easter weekend

