Seven-year-old Emaan Saal was shot and killed last night in Ocean View. She was caught in a crossfire. The intended target was a 31-year-old man who was also shot and killed. Condolences have been pouring in for her family.

According to South African Police Services (SAPS) spokesperson, Sergeant Noloyiso Rwexana, the 31-year-old was shot in Andromeda Way. “According to available information, the seven-year-old girl was caught in the crossfire and was wounded in the chest and hand,” said Rwexana.

CapeTalk received a voice clip of young Emaan’s father directly after her death, and his pain and sadness are nearly palpable as he cries, “I don’t know how I am going to deal with this. I just don’t know”.

She was transported to a medical facility, where she later died. Rwexana adds that Anti-Gang Unit members are currently patrolling.

Earlier this month, the body of Jocelyn Claasen, who was 27 years old, was found in an open field on a Sunday morning in the same area.

It was discovered that Claasen was shot to death mere days before she was due to give birth.

Picture: Natalie Saal/Facebook
