There are currently seven children being treated for COVID-19 at the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital. In total, 37 children have tested positive at the facility and 30 have recovered at the hospital.

The stats were confirmed yesterday [June 3] during a livestream at the opening of the temporary testing and triage facility at the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital.

Red Cross Hospital’s medical manager Anita Parbhoo told reporters that the majority of the child patients have co-morbidities, and “seem to have COVID-19 by the way”.

The majority of testing has been for children under the age of 5.

In addition, the hospital’s head of paediatric emergency care, Dr Heloise Buys, confirmed to News24 that two minors have died from COVID-19-related illness at the hospital.

“Sadly, we have lost two children, who had very complicated underlying medical conditions. One was a 15-year-old, and one was a one-year-old,” the doctor reported.

The temporary testing and triage facility has been opened to specifically screen and test children.

“The facility provides a space where children entering the hospital for treatment can be screened or tested separately from the children already receiving treatment in the hospital. The hospital has a dedicated ward for children who are deemed to be persons under investigation and will also admit a parent or caregiver who will be able to stay with while in the hospital,” said Premier Alan Winde in a statement.

Persons under investigation are admitted to a designated ward to await their test results. Those confirmed to have COVID-19 are admitted to the main hospital in a designated ward. The parent or caregiver will also be admitted.

The facility also helps separate fellow patients and caregivers from one another to prevent further spread of the virus.

Also read: Mysterious child illness officially linked to COVID-19

Picture: Pixabay
