The success of the #ImStaying Facebook group has shown that South Africans enjoy places where they can come together to discuss matters relating to the country. Now, a new group, #ShutSADown has gained 120 000 members in a week and is growing.

Unlike #ImStaying, this group is taking a more protest-related response to the negative crisis facing the country. Group founder, Morne Swart told Good Things Guy, that it is a space to unify South Africans “by making our voices heard.”

“This is not a hate group. We have one and only one purpose, to bring South Africa to a standstill until we the public are heard. We are tired of the violence, rape and murder in our country,” he said.

The group has strict rules about what can be posted, as the group is focused on discussing protest action.

“We will protest by shutting SA down. No work, no school, nothing. Our children are more important than a days work. Let’s shut SA down. And if they don’t listen, we will shut South Africa down for two days, and then three days.

“We are tired, South Africa. The time is now,” said Swart.

So far the groups members have posted news relating to violent incidences in the country, have participated in a poll relating to the reinstatement of the death penalty, gauging interest and discussion on the topic and received messages of support from expats outside of the country.

In a live video from this morning, Thursday February 27, that a plan of action for a protest will be presented to group members on Monday, March 2.

Image: Unsplash
