The recent spate of Metrorail train fires has shed light on the urgency on finding the root cause of the crime along with its relation to criminal activity.

Another fire broke out on Saturday at approximately 5.40pm, prompting MayCo Member of Transport and Urban development, Brett Herron to call on the public to help in preventing the incidents.

The cause of the fire on Saturday is suspected to be arson. The fire damaged two carriages.

Herron believes that there are ‘sinister forces’ at work to destroy the railway system in Cape Town.

“It is undeniable that a sinister force is at work to completely destroy our rail system.”

This is the third incident that has taken place over the past week and authorities are searching for answers.

The fires that have recently occurred through out Cape Town’s rail way system may be a calculated tactic as Herron states, “Our commuter rail system is under relentless attack and this is clearly not an opportunist crime but a well orchestrated program of sabotage.”

Herron, is urging locals to take a stand in the recent attacks on the Metrorail system.

More than 140 carriages have been destroyed over the past year as Herron has indicated.

The recent fire is the sixth incident of the year.

The cost of the damage are running into tens of millions and has the City at a standstill as the frequently used public transport system is targeted and destroyed.

Herron indicated to News24, “The most recent attacks are targeting the central line which has the highest passenger demand.” He went on to state that the line was operating “at a fraction of its capacity.”

On 27 July, Transport minister blade Nzimanded, MEC for transport and public works in the Western Cape Donald Grant and Herron engaged in a meeting with Prasa to discuss the recent fires.

Herron indicated that they are also in talks with SAPS as they probe further investigations, “We met with SAPS who briefed us on their detective efforts.”

“The matter needs attention before the system collapses completely.” said Herron.

Picture: Supplied/City of Cape Town (Theo Layne)


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