A critically injured man was rescued off the summit of Lion’s Head on Saturday evening after a six hour rescue mission. The Capetonian, aged 25, was stranded on the mountain after sustaining serious injuries.

In an official statement, Wilderness Search and Rescue (WSAR) confirmed the rescue. “On Saturday April 6 2019 at 6.25pm, the Peninsula WSAR was activated after a caller reported that an injured hiker was stuck near the summit of Lion’s Head.”

A rescue team located at the Cableway Charity Challenge at Platteklip Gorge Table Mountain responded to the call.The Metro Rescue Mobile Incident Command vehicle, Logistical Support 4x4s, Rescue Mountaineers, and SANParks Visitor Safety Patrollers formed part of the rescue mission.

The injured hiker had been discovered by a medical doctor who was hiking on the mountain. The doctor reported all information regarding the status of the injured individual to the Incident Commander, who was located at the Staging Area which begins at Signal Hill road.

WSAR said, “A Rapid Response team consisting of Metro Medical Rescue Technicians, Rescue Mountaineers and Rescue Climbers were the first rescuers to reach the scene, and on arrival, they were able to confirm that the injuries were of a serious nature.”

Unfortunately, a helicopter rescue was not viable as the sun had already set and visibility was low.Upon arrival, rescue teams placed the hiker in a stretcher and began the careful descent back down the mountain.

“The recovery was of a technical nature which involved multiple lengths of rope and specialised climbing and rescue gear being used,” WSAR reported.

It took a gruelling six hours to complete the rescue mission and ensure that the patient was safely taken into the ambulance, which transported him to a medical facility for treatment. The WSAR commends the efforts of the those involved in the rescue mission and wishes the hiker a speedy recovery.

“WSAR also thanks the off-duty member of the City of Cape Town Fire and Rescue Services for assisting with the operation after he had spotted the activities at the Staging Area.”

Currently there is no update available on the hiker’s condition.

Picture: Facebook, Lion’s Head Mountain Cape Town


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