Smoking both inside and outside may soon be banned in South Africa. Smokers should be aware of a possible new ban on all outdoor smoking in public areas, as well as the abolishment of all indoor smoking areas.

The Department of Health is looking at introducing a draft legislation which includes the indoor and outdoor smoking area ban, as well as the banning of the display of cigarettes at retailers and removing all recognisable branding from cigarette packs.

They hope to reduce the damage caused by tobacco to the country, as well as the world, says Health Minister, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi.

“No one can mention a single advantage of smoking,” said Motsoaledi.

With a membership of over 10 000 tavern owners in the Gauteng region, the Gauteng Liquor Forum has expressed concern that government has no properly consulted with the parties who will be directly affected by these new proposals.

“With the ban, what happens to the investments establishments and businesses have made to accommodate smokers?” said Gauteng Liquor Forum Chairperson, Fanny Mokoena.

“People that sell cigarettes are running businesses and are responsible. The minister should rather be educating their customers to not sell cigarettes to small children for examples. They need to educate people more.”

Photography Unsplash


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