The possibility of free healthcare in South Africa is a sure sign of a developing country, and we might see these first-world-moves before we ever expected it.

A statement released by Cabinet last Thursday said the white paper on the National Health Care Insurance (NHI) is to be gazetted as a policy document.

Cabinet said that the NHI was a health financing system that allocated funds to provide access to healthcare, and that the move was consistent with the National Development Plan. On June 29th of this year, a briefing is expected to be held by the Department of Health to further communicate the public on the white paper.

A green paper, which is a discussion document in a process of making laws, is the responsibility of the ministry and department to draft. It will be followed by a consultative process, for further input or objections. Another paper is then drafted, which is called the white paper.

The white paper will also be sent to various parliamentary committees before the document is approved.

Photography Drew Hays


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