The presence of two white tiger cubs was reported at a property in the suburb of Houghton, Gauteng earlier this week. While the cubs were found to be in good physical condition, their enclosure did not have filled water bowls and the environment “lacked enrichment”.

“A warning was issued and the owners were educated around the Animals Protection Act 71 of 1962. Our inspectors requested that the cubs be surrendered to an approved sanctuary where they can live in an environment as close as possible to their natural habitat with minimal human intervention. The owners were advised that tiger cubs are not domesticated animals and should not be kept as companion animals nor in captivity,” said the Sandton SPCA.

SPCA takes white tiger cubs from residential property
One of the two white tiger cubs found at a Houghton property (Source: Supplied)
“At a follow up visit to the property, it was found that the owner had complied with the issued written warning with regards to water provision and enrichment. The owner had built a water container into the ground so that the tiger cubs could not tip it over and a variety of enrichment equipment was installed,” the SPCA added.
It must be noted that the Sandton SPCA is opposed to wild animals being kept in captivity and are working with the Environmental Health Department (Region E) to ensure that these animals are released to a suitable environment where all their needs can be catered for.
“We will continue to work on this case until the cubs’ release to an approved sanctuary,” the organisation added. “Please consider a donation towards our inspectorate department. Keeping them mobile and fighting daily injustice to animals in our communities is a priority.”
1. EFT with the following details:
Sandton SPCA
First National Bank
Account No: 62021109972
Branch: Benmore Gardens
Reference: Inspectorate
2. Donate towards our Backabuddy Campaign:
3. Donate via their website:
Picture: Supplied
