The Cape of Good Hope SPCA acquired a court order to allow them to hastily remove four dogs that were living in despicable conditions on a property in Sunbird Park just outside of Kuilsriver. The dogs were retrieved and brought to safety on Monday, June 15.

According to the SPCA, the four dogs (including three Pitbulls and one Rottweiler) were being kept on “short static chains”. They had issued warnings to the owner with regards to the conditions the dogs were being kept in on three previous occasions. However, the owner had failed to comply.

Cruelly tied to a short-chain – this is unacceptable for any animal.

The SPCA reported that these dogs had no adequate shelter, and whatever was available as shelter on the property “fell far short in terms of meeting their welfare needs”. The only protection the dogs had from the frosty weather we have been experiencing were cars that were stored in the yard.

The dogs’ living conditions and shelter was inhumane and unacceptable.

“Our SPCA Inspectors tried their utmost to assist and educate the owner, but the owner was not amenable to our guidance or assistance. In cases like these when education does not work then the SPCA has no other option but to confiscate the animals with a court order,” said the SPCA in a Facebook post.

The dogs are now safe and in the care of the SPCA. “Charges of animal cruelty will be opened against the owner for keeping these dogs in conditions that contravene the Animals Protection Act,” said the SPCA.

These dogs were living in deplorable conditions.

SPCA Chief Inspector Jaco Pieterse freeing this dog from his chains.

SPCA Cadet Marc Syce breaking this dog free from his inhumane chains.
SPCA Chief Inspector Jaco Pieterse removing one of the dogs from the property.

“The SPCA will not tolerate animal cruelty in any guise or form. Animals also have rights and if people do not want to listen to the advice we offer; and do not want to improve the living conditions of the animals- then we have no option but to obtain a court order and remove the animals in question. No one is above the law,” said Chief Inspector Jaco Pieterse.

People sounded off in the comment section, thanking the SPCA for their work and calling for animal abusers to be jailed.

“This person shouldn’t get a chance to explain in court or get a fine, he should just get locked up!!! Thank you SPCA for rescuing them from this heartless person,” said one Facebook user.

Picture/s: Cape of Good Hope SPCA.
