The Cape of Good Hope SPCA rescued several dogs from Manenberg last week on July 31, after it was found that they were being used for dogfighting.

The SPCA’s team of inspectors acquired a court order to rescue the dogs, after they received video evidence of the dogs involved in fighting, according to a Facebook post by the organisation.

“In the various videos received it can be seen how the dogs are ripping each other apart and a crowd of bystanders are cheering them on,” they explained.

The team, accompanied by officials from Law Enforcement and Manenberg Police, successfully rescued the dogs.

“The dogs are now in the safe care of the Cape of Good Hope SPCA,” they said.

One of the culprits traced by the SPCA managed to flee the scene before law enforcement was able to arrest him. Once he is found, charges of animal cruelty and dogfighting will be laid in terms of the Animals Protection Act.

“Dogfighting is illegal and must be eradicated from society. This evil crime against dogs has a negative impact on our communities and is connected to other crimes like gang violence, domestic violence, drugs and other serious crimes. We must stand united to stop dog fighting.” says Chief Inspector Jaco Pieterse

SPCA rescues Manenberg dogs from fighting ring
One of the dogs rescued from the dogfighting ring.

The SPCA urges that if you witness dogfighting in your community, you should contact the Cape of Good Hope SPCA immediately on 021 700 4158/9 or 083 326 1604 (A/H).

The Cape of Good Hope SPCA is offering a reward of up to ???,??? to any person who reports information on dog fighting that leads to the arrest and successful prosecution of dog fighters,” they said. 

“We need your help to combat dog fighting,” said the SPCA. “We cannot do this on our own. Your donation can help us save victims of dog fighting.” Below are quick and easy ways of making a donation:

1. PayPal Donation –

2. Once off donation –

3. Monthly donation –

4. EFT Donation –

BANK: Standard Bank
BRANCH: Constantia 025309 / 051001 (internet banking)

Picture: Facebook / Cape of Good Hope SPCA
