Pet owners are urged to keep their animals indoors on the nights of February 18 and 19 as the South African National Defense Force (SANDF) will be carrying out night shoots on Muizenberg beach.

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) says the event is a serious concern for animal owners in the area.

“The anticipated loud noises from the shoot and overhead noise from the aircraft will cause stress to some animals.”

Pet owners are advised to arrange for a petsitter or to stay with their pets at home during the event in order to mitigate any possible stress their furry friends may experience.

The SPCA also urges pet owners to keep their pets inside during the event, as well as to close all windows to reduce the noise.

“Please do not allow your pets to be left outside during the night shoot under any circumstances.”

Alternatives such as calming medication can be given to pets prior to the event but owners are advised to consult with a veterinarian on what to administer to them.

Here is a schedule of the shoot times: 

– February 18 from 3pm – 4.30pm

– February 18 from 7.30pm – 9.30pm

– February 19 from 7.30pm – 9.30pm

The SPCA will have staff on standby during the event in case of emergencies. The animal welfare organisation will scan the beach in the shooting area to ensure that there are no animals, either domestic or wild, outside nearby.

Due to the high costs of employing qualified veterinarians to work after hours, only para-veterinary staff will be on duty during the event. These staff are unable to treat privately-owned animals except to administer humane euthanasia for suffering animals.

“We ask you to please alert your local veterinary practices to be aware of this event and ask them to assist the public in dealing with any owned animal-related emergencies.”

The SPCA is asks that members of the public report any pet emergencies that occur on the night.

In the case of pet emergencies on the nights of the event, contact CoGH SPCA on the emergency number 083 326 1604.

If any animals are found injured or distressed in the days following the event, please report the matter to the SPCA between working hours on 021 700 4158/9 or email [email protected].



Picture: Pexels


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