In what was one of his final acts as the national Minister of Finance, Malusi Gigaba assented to have three new special edition coins minted, featuring the iconic Nelson Mandela.

The coins were created to honour Tata’s life and his role in the history of our country, as well as to celebrate his centenary on the 18th of July 2018.

Each of the coins represents a different stage of Mandela’s life:

  • A R50 coin with a metal alloy base depicts him as a young man
  • A R50 sterling-silver coin depicts him in his years as president
  • A R500 coin made out of 24-carat gold will depict him in his later years
Source: Twitter


All three coins feature the South African coat of arms on the obverse, which replaces the Gnu (Black Wildebeest).

No official pricing or release date has been made available at this stage. The coins, however, have been declared as being of official tender. This indicates that they will be released soon.

A new R5 coin was also made a legal tender on the 1st of January 2018, and is of the same value as all other R5 coins. This also features the South African coat of arms on the obverse, with a latent image of image featuring the years 1918 and 2018 on the reverse.

Source: Twitter


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