Last Thursday, February 20, the City responded to Strandfontein residents’ grievances about a “sewage-like” smell which came from their tap water. The issue has now been resolved and the water is safe for consumption again.

“The City of Cape Town’s Health Department can confirm that tap water in Strandfontein is once again safe for consumption,” they said in a statement on Facebook.

After receiving the complaints, the City deployed the Water and Waste reticulation maintenance crew. They flushed the water supply using the fire hydrants in the area. At the same time, the Water, Pollution Control and Environmental Health practitioners retrieved samples of the water in order to test it.

Yesterday, February 23, a set of results received after a third round of tests showed the water quality had been restored and is once again safe for consumption.

The City said they will be continuing the inquiry into this occurrance in order to ensure that it does not happen again.

“Now that the water quality has been restored, we will turn our attention to investigating the incident and instituting measures, where required, to avoid such an occurrence in future. Action will be taken in terms of the City’s By-laws,” they said.

While they have confirmed the water is drinkable, the City asks that residents of the suburb take a few precautions. This is to ensure that any remaining contaminants in plumbing systems are cleared out.

They ask that Strandfontein residents flush their geysers and filters linked to their drinking water taps. Additionally, they ask that residents allow water to run into buckets for reuse once it has cooled, and to clean tap aerators and shower roses with detergent and water.

Picture: Pexels 
