Two sisters who attended Stellenbosch University have died from COVID-19 less than a week apart.

Samantha Stander (27) died on December 27 and her sister, Bridget Stander (19) died on January 2.

Samantha was diagnosed with COVID-19 on December 21 and hospitalised in her hometown of Cradock in the Eastern Cape. Bridget was diagnosed with COVID-19 and developed pneumonia in late December 2020, according to Union High School where she was a learner.

“Bridget, who commenced her studies towards a BCom (Financial Accounting) degree at the University of Stellenbosch at the start of 2020, was spending the December holidays with her family in her hometown of Cradock when she took ill,” Union High School said.

Ashleigh, Bridget and Samantha’s sister, said that Samantha shared her ventilator with Bridget in the state hospital as there was only one available which they got from a family friend, according to Netwerk24.

However when Samantha’s condition deteriorated, doctors tried to relocate her to the hospital in Port Elizabeth, but there were no beds available and she had to be transferred to Bloemfontein instead. Samantha died in the ambulance on the way.

Bridget was later hospitalised at St George’s Hospital in Port Elizabeth.

Samantha and Ashleigh both completed their Medical degrees at the University of Stellenbosch in 2020. “Now, every time I write ‘Dr Stander’ it will be for her,” Ashleigh said.

Picture: Facebook/Union High School
