A new report shows that many South Africans are losing faith in the majority of leadership amid the national lockdown.

Market research intelligence firm Ask Afrika conducted research into how South African’s feel government has handled the COVID-19 pandemic thus far, and their results show that many are concerned.

The quantitative study has been unpacking the socio-economic impact that the virus has had on the country since the start of the lockdown. The research explores different themes on a weekly basis.

Ask afrika embarked on an independent COVID-19 omnibus study to assess the significant social change brought about by the Coronavirus pandemic. We have been measuring the public perception, behavioural change and impact that the pandemic has had on South Africans,” they write on their website.

“The aim of the research is to provide independent views to businesses, Government, NGO’s, Trusts, and institutions to enable conversations and implement strategies for positive change to curb the spread of the virus.”

In their latest update, Ask Afrika says that public trust in President Rampahosa has waned as the country moves through the lockdown, although one in two still show high levels of trust in the President leading the country during this time.

Trust in ministers Zweli Mkhize, Ebrahim Patel, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma and Bheki Cele has reached an all time low since the end of May. Minister Angie Motshekga continues to show low levels of public trust.

Ratings for the President currently sit at 67%, followed by Mkhize by 57%. Cele ranks at 53% while Dlamini-Zuma, Patel and Motshekga all fall somewhere in the 40s.

The President is mostly perceived to be authentic, transparent and logical in his dealings with the public. This drives higher levels of trust in the President during this time compared to other ministers.

Ask Afrika also reports that one in three citizens think that the Government can do more to support its citizens.

“The belief that the citizenry does not receive sufficient support from the Government during the lockdown has throughout advanced level 3 been significantly more prevalent amongst females. Residents of the Western Cape and Gauteng also especially hold this sentiment, compared to those living in the North West, Mpumalanga, Limpopo and KZN,” they write.

The report also states that pubic sentiment is increasing that government should intervene to reduce poverty. Many women living in the Western Cape and Gauteng hold this opinion.

“As we progress through Level-3 advanced, fewer citizens also believe that the Government is doing enough to support businesses during the lockdown. This sentiment is mainly voiced by females on a national level.

“Consistently since level 4, less respondents believe that the Government is doing a good job in informing and educating South Africans about the spread of the virus, indicating a continuous need for educational drives to prevent the spread of the virus. National Government is however performing better than Provincial government in citizens’ perceptions of their support for their communities and businesses.”

Residents of the Western Cape (41%) and Gauteng (43%) expect significantly more support from the Government, compared to those living in the North West, Mpumalanga, Limpopo and KwaZulu-Natal.

Read the full report here: Ask Afrika COVID-19 Week 17

Picture: Twitter / Presidency
