Following nearly two weeks of dreary skies and gale-force winds, Cape Town will finally have some sunny – albeit still cool – days this week.

According to predictions from the SA Weather Service, Capetonians can expect five sunshine-filled days.

On Monday [June 15], locals can expect temperatures that range between 11°C and 18°C. Humidity of 80% can be expected, with partly cloudy skies. There is no probability of rain, so it makes for the perfect day to explore local parks.

Capetonians can expect temperatures ranging between 13°C and 21°C on Tuesday, June 16, with humidity of 71%. Clear skies are to be expected, and wind speeds with also be low, with an average of 18 kilometres per hour.

On Wednesday, June 17, temperatures of between 11°C and 20°C can be expected, with low wind speeds of under 10 kilometres per hour. Clear skies have also been predicted, while humidity will reign low at 45%.

Temperatures for Thursday, June 18 will rage between 11°C and 21°C, with clear skies. There is no rain predicted and wind speeds may reach a maximum speed of 18 kilometres per hour.

On Friday, June 19, temperatures are expected to range between 12°C and 20°C, with clear skies. There is also no rain expected.

The rain from the past few weeks has boosted Cape Town’s dam levels by over 3%. The average dam levels of the City of Cape Town’s feeder dams are at 58.2% as of June.

(Source: City of Cape Town)

The week before – on June 8 – the average dam level was at 54.6%

ALSO READ: Snowy weekend scenes from the Western Cape

Picture: Pixabay
