For many in Cape Town, taking advantage of birthday freebies has become a tradition. As lockdown has gone on for over three months, there are a number of people who have spent their birthday unable to partake in this tradition.

The Table Mountain Aerial Cableway has announced that anyone who celebrated a lockdown birthday will be able to access their annual freebie within the first two weeks of them re-opening.

Usually, you are able to access the free cable car ride only within seven days of your birthday, so this is a great deal.

South African National Parks has also opened under Level 3 of lockdown, and this means that when you take your ID along, you may qualify for a reduced entrance free. Being immersed in nature is a big part of Cape Town’s culture, and many Mother City residents rejoiced when it was announced that access to parks is allowed. Paired with the 12-hour-long exercise window, this has become heaven for nature lovers.

This is encouraging locals to enter parks without having to pay tourist fees.

To find out more about the rates and visiting hours of the South African National Parks, visit their website here.

Picture: Pixabay
