Table Mountain’s beautiful Orange Kloof Tented Camp will be temporarily closed following a sharp spike in the robbing of guests. Three separate incidences have occurred within the last two months and the camp is going to remain closed until March 2019.

Speaking to IOL, Hospitality Services, Film and Events Manager of Table Mountain National Park, Saskia Marlowe, said that all of the robberies took place at nighttime. “We didn’t want the incidents to escalate and see our guests, who come to relax and have fun in a safe space, injured,” she said. “We would rather close and lose revenue than keep the place operational while we haven’t secured the area, because you cannot put a price on someone’s life.”

The last incident left guests upset after their luggage was stolen in the dead of night.

“Part of the safety measures that we will be placing include erecting a fence around the camp. This may be easier said than done because fences have an ecological impact. It’s really sad that things [have come] to this point,” Marlowe said. “We also appreciate the support from hiking groups such as Hikers Network on this decision. The Orange Kloof hiking trails will remain open as always, only with a permit, and we urge hikers to look for the hiking groups for safety reasons.”

Orange Kloof Tented Camp will be closed temporarily until March 2019 (Source: Facebook)

Parkscape, a group dedicating to keeping all those who hike and like exploring the outdoors in Cape Town, has released an updated map which lists incidents of crimes that have happened on trails in and around the city.

Parkscape released a map which details which incidences of crime took place, as well as the date of incidence (Source: Parkscape)

According to the map, more than 40 incidents have occurred on Cape Town’s trails, including one in which a cyclist fell victim to wire trapping in the Glen in July.

To access the full map, click here.

Picture: Facebook


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