A motorist was reportedly left terrified when he discovered a snake in his bonnet after he stopped at a filling station in Knysna.   

A picture of the snake coiled up inside the bonnet was shared on social media by Arrive Alive over the weekend.

Times Live quoted KwaZulu-Natal Emergency Medical Services media liaison officer Robert McKenzie as saying that South Africa had several endemic snake species, and encounters in urban areas were becoming common, especially along the coastal belt and areas with high humidity.

“While most people avoid contact with snakes at all costs, encounters with snakes are inevitable. Snakes will often try to avoid a confrontation with a human…,” said McKenzie.

Last year, a 26-year-old man, Justin Naidoo, drove from Pietermaritzburg to Durban with two snakes in his bonnet, according to IOL

“It was a Friday night just after midnight, and there had been load shedding when I heard a loud thud on the roof of my car.  I had been parked under a tree, I initially thought it was from the tree, then I saw two snakes that were entwined together slither down my windscreen,”  Naidoo was quoted as saying at the time.

Picture: Unspalsh
