Aunty Asa Moosa walked away with the accolade of having the best koesister in the Cape. She was crowned at the sleek Radisson Red at the V&A Waterfront over the weekend.

“She’s officially been crowned the Queen of KOEsisters on the first day of Heritage Month,” the hotel said via their Facebook page.

The announcement to have World Koeksister Day on Sunday, September 1 was made at the Radisson Red’s koeksister cook-off in July.

As reported by The Capetowner, Mark Jacobs – who is the co-owner of Vannie Kaap – said that koesisters have always been close to him.“We want to show the world our culture, so we want to announce that on September 1, we will have World Koesister Day.”

Every year thereafter, this day will be on the first day of September.

According to Leonie Anderaya, the hotel’s general manager, the hotel was working towards creating a Cape Town Corner to showcase some of Cape Town’s food and cultures.

Picture: Pixabay
