Inspiring Capetonian, Natasha Dietrich’s story is medicine for the soul during this particularly trying time. Our city has been rocked by the devastating fire that has burned on Table Mountain and beyond since Sunday, April 18. If the inferno has reiterated anything at all, it’s that the people of Cape Town do not give up.

Dietrich’s story, cleaner to educator, falls along the same lines of perseverance and grit that have been prominent throughout the week. The former cleaner at the University of the Western Cape, 47, now teaches Mathematics and Social Sciences at the Dr Van der Ross Primary School.

The mom from Belhar has emphasised that her journey was not an easy one. She worked hard to change her circumstances.

“I worked as a cleaner for three years as a casual worker, and for six years as a permanent worker. I attended classes during the day. My shift as cleaner started from 3pm till midnight. I was doing both at the same time. I worked weekends as well,” she said to IOL.

Gasant Abarder made a good point when he said the following in his Slice of Gasant column, exclusive to Cape Town Etc, today:

“Yes, the University of the Western Cape opened the door by paying for her full tuition fees. But Nastasha wanted it and turned out to be one of the top students. There are other Natashas, and some Johns, who take this for granted and get by on matric – in Parliament, nogal.”

The mother of two said that she was driven by her dream of being an inspiration in her community.

Well, Natasha, consider your community inspired.

Dietrich celebrated the achievement on Thursday with her former colleagues at Bidvest Prestige.

Read also:

The land of meritocracy… no, make that mediocrity! – Gasant Abarder

Picture: Unsplash Unsplash
