The Cape of Good Hope SPCA is seeking a home for Star Master, a horse  they have nursed back to health.  

“When this beautiful bay gelding was found as a stray by our Horse Care Unit Inspector Clive Matthews, his condition suggested that he had suffered nothing less than a life of neglect and abuse,” wrote the SPCA in a Facebook post.

Star Master is described as being emaciated, with a coat that suggested that an ill-fitting harness kept him shackled to a cart. His coat also had bald patches on his breast and hindquarters — the result of extreme chaffing.

“The chaffing to his withers was so bad that blood was seeping through his skin and the corners of his mouth were torn — the likely result of a piece of wire being used as a bit,” said the SPCA.

The animal welfare organisation says it is clear that the horse had not been safeguarded against parasites, which led to an infestation of ticks that inflicted wounds on his genitalia.

They explained that the serendipitous way that this animal came into their care is what inspired the name Star Master, saying, “the stars truly did align in the most fortuitous of ways… which is why only a name like Star Master is befitting of him.” 

Star Master has made an inspirational recovery and is a transformed horse — the SPCA says, “He seems so proud of the new growth of hair across his breast and his confidence is growing along with it.”

During his rehabilitation, Star Master has developed an exceptional bond with his groom, Hamilton Kapanda, who has become very fond of the horse. Of their relationship, the SPCA says: “it’s become very clear that Star Master now holds some sway over more than just the stars.”

The Cape of Good Hope SPCA now wishes to place Star Master in a ‘beautiful home’ where he can gallop at full speed and feel the wind whip through his mane.

If you can ‘see this in your stars’ and want to meet Star Master they encourage you to call 0217004173 or email [email protected]

“Your destiny will be forever changed,” said the SPCA.

Star Master’s confidence is growing with along with his new coat. Look how proud he is.

Posted by Cape of Good Hope SPCA on Monday, October 19, 2020

Picture: Facebook
