The two young brothers who walked for kilometres to save the life of their precious four-legged companion, who they loving call Meisie, lost everything in a fire just two weeks ago. Peter and Gerry Cedras braved rough terrains to bring Meisie to the Animal Welfare Society of South Africa’s (AWS) Philipi clinic.

Peter (14) and Gerry (8) live on the Groenvlei Farm in Philipi with their parents, and have no belongings after a candle toppled over, causing their tiny farm house to go up in flames. After the fire, the family now all share a three-quarter bed, and have no running water and electricity.

Peter had an R7 saved, which was to be used to purchase shoes for his younger brother. Initially, a neighbour had given him the money to use for food, but after a cousin also handed Peter an R2, he decided to collect money to make sure his brother’s feet are protected. The plan changed, once again, however, when Meisie stopped eating, alerting the siblings to their dog’s deteriorating state of health.

Requests on where to send clothing and other donations have streamed in after the heart-warming tale of the brothers went viral.

Allan Perrins, spokesperson of AWS, has said donations have flooded into their Philip clinic. “You should see our reception area – it is piled high with goodies for the family that we plan to deliver to them today,” he said. “They (Cedras family) are quite overwhelmed at the love that has been pouring in for them but they are so deserving.”

Meisie’s condition is also improving. She is doing much better after a full round of medication, as well as a blood transfusion.


Meisie smiles for the camera, with an AWS assistant, and is well on the road to recovery (Source: AWS Facebook)


Just two days ago, Meisie was near death (Source: Supplied)

Anyone with donations of food, clothing, pet food or household items can deliver these items to the AWS headquarters in Papkuilsvlei Road, Philippi. If you are unable to make it to the AWS HQ, the welfare service is happy to collect the items from your place of work.

AWS HQ ADRESS: Papkuilsvlei Road, Philippi, Cape Town, 7750

CONTACT NUMBER:  021 692 2626

If you would like to make a donation to AWS to help save dogs who are in the same predicament as the one Meisie has escaped, you can make an EFT payment to the following details:

Account name: Animal Welfare Society of South Africa NPO 003-037

Bank: Nedbank (Cheque Account)

Account Number: 114 822 588

Branch Code: 198765

Reference: Lady

Picture: Supplied


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