Three police stations in Cape Town have closed within the last few days after staff members contracted COVID-19. These include Lentegeur, Philippi East, and Cape Town Central police stations.

The latest to close down after a member became infected with COVID-19 was Lentegeur Police Station, which shut down on Monday, April 27.

Over the weekend, Philippi East and Cape Town Central police stations also closed as members of the stations had contracted the virus.

Both stations were placed under quarantine immediately and were closed in order for decontamination to take place. Additionally, both police stations have relocated their operations in order to ensure their work still gets done. 

Previously, other Western Cape police stations including the Hermanus and Athlone stations were closed as members contracted COVID-19. After testing other members, decontaminating, and quarantining for the prescribed amount of time, they reopened.

The stations that are currently closed can be expected to open in the coming days.

Picture: Facebook / Mitchell’s Plain Alive Media
