The popular Tokara Wine and Olive Estate in Stellenbosch has announced that it will be closing its doors until March 24 in light of President Cyril Ramaphosa’s address to the nation last night. The wine and olive estate’s restaurant, delicatessen and wine tasting room will be temporarily closed.

“A group of wine enthusiasts from the Netherlands visited us on March 9 in the evening for a private function while all of our departments were closed to the general public,” Tokara said in a statement. “One of the members of that group has since tested positive for the Covid-19 virus. Two members of our marketing team and the restaurant staff on duty that evening were in contact with this group and as such, we have implemented self-isolation and testing for these staff members.”

Tokara is assuring its clients that it will continue to send out updates, and encourages anyone who is displaying flu-like symptoms to contact the coronavirus hotline on 0800-029-999.

Almenkerk Wine Estate in Elgin was contacted by a visitor who informed them that he had tested positive for the Covid-19 virus. “The visitor was part of a group of 38 wine professionals from the Netherlands that visited us on March 10. We are not showing any symptoms, but we need to work on the assumption that we may be carriers and thus need to inform you of the potential risk, should you have visited or interacted with us subsequently,” the estate said in a statement.

“As a precaution, we will be avoiding all close contact as a family and business for the next seven to ten days, and will inform you if any of us show symptoms. We are trying to get tested so that we can be sure. Almenkerk Wine Estate will be closed to the public until further notice.”

Anthonij Rupert Wyne and the L’Ormarins Estate have also decided to restrict all visitors to the Estates.

Anthonij Rupert Estate, having operated by appointment for some time, will be reimbursing all guest bookings with prior paid reservations for the next 30 days in full. No guests will be received on the Estate from Monday, March 16, 2020 until Wednesday, April 15, 2020. We extend our thoughts, prayers and solidarity to all the communities of South Africa at this difficult time, and remain in deep faith that we will succeed at mitigating the effects by working together,” added Managing Director Gary Baumgarten.

Picture: Tokara/Facebook
