Two Cape Town police officers were shot and wounded during a hostage situation on Thursday night which ended with a man shooting and killing his girlfriend before killing himself in Phillipi.

Police spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Andrè Traut said the officers came under fire while they were performing a police operation in Philippi East.

“At around 11.45pm the Nyanga Crime Prevention Unit reacted on information about an illegal firearm at shack in Siyangena informal settlement, Philippi East,” he told IOL.

When the police officers arrived at the address, the male suspect opened fire and two cops were wounded in the process. The pair were admitted to hospital for treatment.

“The shack was surrounded by members of police in an attempt to arrest the perpetrator. At around 2am this morning, the suspect shot and killed his girlfriend who was with him in the shack and then shot and killed himself,” Traut says.

The female victim is believed to be in her 20s and the male shooter in his 30s.

Cases of murder, attempted murder and a death inquest are being investigated.

Picture: Pixabay


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