Chief Inspector Jaco Pieterse and Inspector Mark Syce are well aware that dogfighting is a crime and that it may involve other criminal activities too.

The inspectors viewed very disturbing footage of a dog fight that took place on Monday evening, May 31. The Inspectors then made an application at the Wynberg Magistrates Court for a warrant to remove the animal on Tuesday morning, June 1.

A screenshot from the dogfighting video

Accompanied by Law Enforcement and SAPS, the Inspectors went to the property in Manenberg where the dogfights were reportedly taking place.

The original video of evidence of the dogfight was retrieved on the one suspect’s phone and he was identified wearing the clothing in the video and was arrested on the scene. A second suspect was detained at the Manenberg police station.

It was soon unveiled that the first suspect had three criminal charges against him, two for attempted murder and one for the illegal possession of a firearm.

The second suspect also has a charge of attempted murder to his name. Both dogs that were found on the property have been taken and cared for by the SPCA.

“We don’t know how many dogs, being forced to fight, are still waiting for us to rescue them but we do know that these two dogs will never have to endure that torture ever again.  Please keep fighting dog fighting alongside us! We won a battle today, but the war rages on”, says the Cape of Good Hope SPCA.

“We extend our heartfelt thanks to the City of Cape Town’s Law Enforcement Animal Control Unit for their assistance and support today.  We also thank all those who are brave enough to come forward and report crimes against animals.”

The SPCA offers a R5000 reward for any information that leads to a successful prosecution of anyone involved in dogfighting.

Any reports can be made anonymously. Simply call 0833261604 (at any time of day or night). Reports can also be made online by clicking here.

If you would like to make any donation in support of those injured or animals in need, click here.

The public may even sign up to join the SPCA Anti-Dogfighting Watch Squad to help with the fight against dogfighting.

Picture/s: Cape of Good Hope SPCA website
