The University of Cape Town has beefed up its efforts to save water on its campuses by developing and implementing contingency plans in response to the possibility of Day Zero.

A ‘Water Task Team’ is one of many strategies they have created to address and manage the impact of the drought at the University. Other initiatives include raising awareness, publishing articles on the water crisis in Cape Town, capturing stormwater, identifying and mapping water meters on campuses and ensuring that digital water meters are installed. The university also said that they have concluded a survey of water usage and are developing a detailed water management plan for UCT. This plan will be in line with discussions with the City of Cape Town.

“We are now also engaging with multiple stakeholders, and particularly the City, on how UCT could continue operations if Cape Town reached Day Zero. We are in the process of appointing a consulting company and added capacity to assist us in developing detailed contingency plans for UCT’s response to Day Zero,” Acting Vice-Chancellor Professor Loretta Feris said.

She said that the plans would include various scenarios the university might face in the event of Day Zero such as no water, restricted water supply and the use of alternate water sources.

“We are also creating a “water desk” where questions from staff and students on water issues could be directed for a swift response,” she added.

Meanwhile, officials are scrambling around to prepare for the possibility of Day Zero.  Today Democratic Alliance (DA) leader Mmusi Maimane is expected to brief the media on a multi-disciplinary programme of action to deal with the management of adverting Day Zero.


Zille to meet disaster management over Day Zero

City to implement Level 6B water restrictions

Water Crisis: What happens on Day Zero?


Picture: Pixabay



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