There are now a confirmed six students and staff members who have tested positive for COVID-19 at the University of Cape Town.

In a statement, the university confirmed that the sixth patient is a student who tested positive in Eswatini. The student was confirmed positive on Sunday, March 29, and is receiving medical support. All identified contacts were traced and advised to go into quarantine.

Currently, three students and three UCT employees have tested positive for the coronavirus. The first to test positive was a staff member, and the second a UCT-based visiting researcher. The third case was a project manager who worked in the same department as the second confirmed case. The fourth case is a postgraduate student.

The university confirmed a fifth positive case of COVID-19 on Friday, March 27 2020. The student tested positive in KwaZulu-Natal.

“The KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Department of Health confirmed the case through the prescribed protocol and is caring for the student and conducting contact tracing,” says the University.

The university has been closed since March 15. “Only essential staff, such as Information and Communication Technology Services, is operating on campus according to usual operating procedure. Campus Protection Services is running on skeleton staff and will maintain perimeter security only,” says the University.

“Going forward, UCT will provide updates on confirmed cases in the university community on a weekly basis.”

Picture: Pixabay

