A new law in the process of being instated in Ukraine will ensure that criminals convicted for rape or pedophilia are chemically castrated while in prison.

Men between the ages of 18 and 65 found guilty of raping or sexually abusing minors in the country will now face coercive chemical castration.

Chemical castration involves injecting the subject with anti-androgen drugs consisting of chemicals that reduce libido and related sexual activity.

Roughly 320 child rape cases were reported in Ukraine in 2017 while the number of pedophile sex abuse cases were in the thousands.

The new law is being considered as a way to discourage offenders and includes extending the maximum jail sentence from 12 years to 15.

Under the new bill, the Cabinet of Ministers are required to create a public register of people convicted for sexual assault of underaged individuals.

Similarly, in Alabama a newly instated law ensures that criminals convicted of rape and pedophilia have to be chemically castrated if they receive bail. This treatment is required to be carried out by a qualified doctor for the foreseeable future or until a judge deems it no longer necessary.

With the turmoil South Africa is experiencing from a recent spike in gender-based violence, many are looking toward the president to instate similar laws or even reinstate the death penalty.

Picture: Pixabay
