President of the United States of America Donald Trump has officially become the third president to be impeached for abuse of power. When a president is impeached, their integrity or validity is brought under question, and after a full day of debate, the House of Representatives – the legislation makers of America – voted to approve the first article of impeachment charging against Trump.

The House of Representatives voted 230-197 to approve a first article of impeachment that charges Trump with abuse of power, and 229-198 for a second article to charge the President with the obstruction of Congress.

It is estimated that Trump will go on trial in the Senate in January. Experts have predicted, however, that he is expected to be acquitted by the Republican-controlled upper house.

Trump was informed of his impeachment while at a rally in Michigan. His staunch supporters believe that the impeachment is not real, because the president told them he was sure that senators would “do the right thing”.

According to House speaker Nancy Pelosi, Trump has endangered the republic and its elections with his reckless behaviour and “given us no choice”.

Picture: Twitter
