Convicted axe-murderer Henri van Breda has been sentenced to three life sentences, 15 years for the attempted murder charge and 12 months for obstructing the ends of justice, in the Western Cape High Court today. Henri remained unemotional throughout proceedings and showed no emotion when his fate was read out to him.

In delivering sentence, Judge Sir Desai said Henri committed crimes of unbridled violence, while the victims were unarmed and defenceless. The violence was gratuitous.

“You’ve displayed no remorse. No compelling circumstances have been placed before us. There appear to be none,” said Desai.

The judge said said he accepted that as a 20 year old Henri did not have the maturity, understanding and life experience of an older person. But he is acutely aware that a long term imprisonment will deny him the opportunity and privilege of growing old in an open society.

Advocate Pieter Botha Botha asked for leave to appeal both conviction and sentencing and Desai postponed the matter to 27 June.

Henri, 23, was found guilty of savagely hacking to death his father Martin, his mother Teresa and his brother Rudi, and attempting to kill his sister Marli, at their luxury De Zalze Estate home in Stellenbosch on January 27, 2015. He was also found guilty of obstructing the ends of justice.

Picture: Twitter


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