A group of representatives from the hospitality, tourism, food and alcohol, entertainment and affiliated industries are coming together to hold a peaceful protest in the Mother City in response to restrictions on their industries.

The #ServeUsPlease protest will be held on Friday, July 24 from 10am to 12pm, and will adhere to strict safety measures.

“Starting at the corners of Buitenkant Street in the CBD, protesters will create two linked lines down both sides of Roeland Street towards Parliament. The lines will continue down Plein Street, turn onto Spin Street then go up Wale Street,” reads a statement from the protest organisers.

Participants will maintain a 1,5-metre distance from one another – measured by a 1,5-metre ribbon that will link each protester with another – and will wear face masks and carry hand sanitiser. On arrival, protesters will join the line where it ends. Marshalls will be on hand to ensure that safety protocols are adhered to.

Various industries plan #ServeUsPlease peaceful protest

“#ServeUsPlease calls on anyone affected by these regulations to join in the peaceful protest, provided they adhere to the safety protocols. The organisers understand that the impact of the regulations goes far beyond just bars and restaurants; it has and will continue to have an impact on thousands of businesses across all industries that support the broader hospitality industry, including the tourism, entertainment and media industries.”

According to #ServeUsPlease spokesperson Brent Perremore, the movement is supporting the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, however, urges government to consider the significant impact this has had on the hospitality and extended industries, and to allow businesses to operate while adhering to the strict controls that other countries have adopted.

Details for #ServeUsPlease protests in Johannesburg and other participating cities will be confirmed.

Picture: Instagram / chefswarehouse_chef_liamtomlin
