We have been voted the best city in the world and the second best beach city in the world. Now we have the chance, as the only city in South Africa, to be included in the 80th anniversary edition of everybody’s favourite board game, Monopoly.

Buzzfeed has teamed up with Hasbro to bring out a very special edition of the game called Monopoly Here and Now: Special Edition. 80 cities are up for consideration and the top 40 will be included in the game. It’s really no surprise that we’re currently sitting at 7 out of 40. Other African cities in the mix are Marrakech, Algiers and Djerba.

You can vote as many times as you like and getting that number one spot will surely be a feather in our cap. Voting closes on March 19 so head on over to Buzzfeed (or click the image below) and get your votes in!

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Photography Cape Town Daily Photo


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