The South African Police Service (SAPS) warns motorists to not eat hot cross buns in the car or before driving as you could blow positive on a breathalyser. Drunk from a bun? Who knew!

Just two bites, or eating an entire hot cross bun this Easter, could put you over the driving limit, but only for 15 minutes, according to goodthingsguy.

A video posted to a number of social media pages shows a SAPS officers demonstrating how one bite of a delicious hot cross bun can impact the alcohol level in your blood.

The officer then blows into a breathalyser that at first shows a reading of 0.00% and after taking just one bite of a hot cross bun, the reading then showed 0.21%.

In South Africa, all motorists are not to have any alcohol in their blood system, meaning one bite of a hot cross bun could cause you to be arrested.

Motorists are advised to eat as many hot cross buns as they want, but wait 15 minutes before you hit the road as any leftover food in your mouth could cause a false reading if you have to take a breathalyser test.

Picture: CapeTownetc gallery
