The Commander in chief President Cyril Ramaphosa joined Muslim worshipers as they broke their fast on Thursday, May 6. As reported by SABC, Ramaphosa was invited by ANC MP Faiez Jacobs and the Muslim Judicial Council (MJC) for supper during the holy month of Ramadaan. The event took place at Islamia College, in Lansdowne. Several dignitaries were also in attendance.

The President also participated in the Maghrib prayer, which is one of the five mandatory Islamic prayers.

As reported by News 24, Ramaphosa also dodged questions by reporters regarding his suspension letter from ANC secretary -general Ace Magashule.

Meanwhile, MJC president, Sheikh Irafaan Abrahams, has called on Government to make the restitution of land to claimants from District Six a top priority.

Picture: GCIS


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