The City of Cape Town is in full preparation mode for the holiday season and has said they will only be opening one third of all public pools due to the severe water crisis. This week the festive season readiness plan, designed to ensure public safety over the December and January holiday period, was finalised.

In a statement the City has said, while its primary focus is on safety and security, the plan also outlines the roles and responsibilities of a number of other City departments that play a crucial role in ensuring that the festive season runs smoothly in terms of service delivery, in line with the Organisational Development and Transformation Plan. A comprehensive summary of the plan is available here.

‘As usual, the City has invested much thought into its festive season plan to ensure that we are ready for any eventuality. This year, we have also had to consider contingency plans to accommodate the drought crisis and its impact on our normal operations. We’re only opening one-third of all swimming pools, so we’ve increased the number of beach lifeguards in anticipation of an increase in the number of visitors.

‘Drafting and implementing a plan of this magnitude is no easy feat and we cannot do it without the cooperation and support of the public. Ultimately, every person is responsible for their own safety and so we urge the public to be mindful of their behaviour, act responsibly, and do their bit to make the festive season memorable,’ said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Safety and Security; and Social Services, Alderman Smith.

Other plans include a number of autonomous and integrated operations with other role players like roadblocks, roaming vehicle checkpoints, and increased visibility at all places of public interest. Road safety and beach safety are two high priority concerns.

Alderman Smith also warned locals and visitors not to consume alcohol recklessly.
He said: “A friendly warning to motorists and the public in general is that we’ll be ramping up our interventions even more for the duration of the festive season. This time of year is known as the silly season and sadly the silliness of some can have devastating consequences for themselves and others. I’m particularly concerned about behaviour on our beaches as relates to alcohol abuse, drowning incidents, and children who go missing. Every year our staff confiscate thousands of litres of alcohol from people, in spite of repeated warnings and reminders that it is illegal to bring alcohol to the beach.”


Photography: Pixabay


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