The City of Cape Town aims to roll out a comprehensive plan on Thursday to curb the running out of water.

Mayoral committee member for informal settlements, water and waste services; and energy, Xanthea Limberg, said in a statement that the City adheres to solving the drought crisis by focusing on four main areas:

  1. Increased water conservation through restrictions
  2. Pressure management and restriction of supply to excessive users of water
  3. Campaigns to encourage behavioural change
  4. Preparation for the “day-zero” possibility

The latest water consumption results show that residents are still well over the daily target of 500 million liters, as set out by the City of Cape Town. Up to 610 million litres are still being used city-wide each day.


The water resilience plan should provide a better indication as to how the City aims to combat the over-consumption and management of our remaining water – and of course reveal the options we have to address the crisis.

Are we going to see privatized solutions come to the fore? Desalination plants? We’ll keep you posted about what the plan entails.


Photography Adam Spires / Joshua Roode



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