The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) is asking candidates who wish to be considered as temporary classroom assistants during the national state of disaster to register their profiles on their online system as part of the Classroom Assistant initiative.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has completely changed how schools operate, with safety guidelines in place to stop the spread of infection. This includes ensuring that learners are 1.5m apart at all times – including in the classroom. That means that learners need to be split over multiple classrooms,” the WCED said via a statement.

“As more grades come back to class, schools have been asked to submit Temporary Revised Education Plans (TREPs) to make sure that the safety guidelines continue to be implemented. So not all learners will be back at school on any given day – models submitted by schools include having grades alternate their attendance at schools weekly or daily, or learning in shifts.”

Classroom assistants will facilitate lesson plans developed by teachers, and provide support in the classroom where needed. Assistants will be appointed at schools where educators have received a concession to work from home as a result of having one or more of the COVID-19 high-risk comorbidities. To date, 1 787 concessions have been approved but this number is expected to rise.

“Applicants must have an interest in the teaching profession. Anyone who has an education qualification, is currently studying for an education qualification, or has an appropriate undergraduate qualification, can apply. The stipend paid to assistants will be R4000 per month if still completing a degree, and R5000 per month if already completed.”

To apply, visit the WCED website at and click on ‘Vacancies’ to access the E-Recruitment system:

– Register your profile

– Click on ‘School-Based Educators’, and then ‘Teacher Assistants’

– Indicate your preferred education district/s

– Click ‘apply for this post’

There is no closing date at this point, and all interested candidates are encouraged to register and apply as soon as possible.

“Our teachers and non-teaching staff are working very hard at present to prepare for the arrival of the next batch of grades. I want to thank them all for their efforts, and look forward to supporting them with classroom assistants where we can,” the Department said.

Picture: Unsplash
