The Western Cape has maintained its top spot in provincial audit outcomes, according to the Auditor General’s Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) 2019/20 consolidated general report.

In a statement, the Western Cape government said that the Auditor General commended the province on its achievements, noting that:

“This was achieved during the a troubled 2020 with disruptions to normal operations by leadership setting a strong tone at the top to maintain a sound control environment – particularly effective preventive controls.”

Key highlights from the Auditor General’s PFMA 2019-20 Consolidated General Report:

• In the Western Cape, 70% of departments and entities received clean audits, compared to the next best province, Gauteng, with 30% clean audits and the worst performing, the North West, with 4% clean audits.

• The Western Cape accounts for 14 of 44 (32%) provincial clean audit outcomes in the country.

• The Western Cape incurred no unauthorised expenditure, compared to the next best province, Limpopo, with R1.13 million in unauthorised expenditure and the worst performing province, the Eastern Cape, with R1.58 billion in unauthorised expenditure.

• The Western Cape only incurred R118 000 in fruitless and wasteful expenditure, compared to the next best province, Northern Cape, with R9.6 million in fruitless and wasteful expenditure and the worst performing province, Gauteng, with R103.42 million in fruitless and wasteful expenditure.

• The Western Cape only incurred R285 million in irregular expenditure, compared to the next best province, Eastern Cape, with R837.05 million in irregular expenditure and the worst performing province, Kwa-Zulu Natal, with R9.77 billion in irregular expenditure.

Read more here

PICTURE: Unsplash
