The Western Cape has 6 336 active cases of COVID-19, with a total of 100 778 confirmed cases and 90 869 recoveries as of August 16. The province has recorded an additional 13 deaths, bringing the total number of COVID-19 related deaths to 3573.

CTICC Hospital of Hope enters its last week:

Over the coming week, the Western Cape Department of Health will be closing the Hospital of Hope at the CTICC. This field hospital has provided treatment and care to over 1500 COVID-19 positive patients since it opened in June. Of these, over 1400 have got well enough to be discharged home, and sadly, 82 have died.

“This intermediate hospital played an invaluable role at the peak of our curve in ensuring that our acute hospitals were not overwhelmed, and we were able to provide the appropriate level of care for those who needed it,” Premier Alan Winde said in a statement.

The Department of Health in the Western Cape has also used the hospital in recent weeks as part of its Diabetic strategy, admitting the highest risk diabetic patients for care. This has helped to protect the most vulnerable groups and to save lives.

“The transfer of the remaining patients is underway, with the last patient date set for Wednesday. The Brackengate temporary hospital, which has capacity for 338 patients, including 8 high flow nasal oxygen beds will continue to operate in the metro. The Gift of the Givers donated 60 bed Freesia ward at Mitchells Plain hospital will also provide a dedicated COVID-19 ward in the metro. In the province’s rural areas, we will have additional beds at the 63 bed Sonstraal facility, and 32 beds in Hermanus, 20 in Vredendal and an additional 20 in George,” Winde added.

Many stories of recovery have emerged from the CTICC and from hospitals across the province in recent months, providing hope and positivity during this difficult time.

“We thank the patients who have put their trust in us, the healthcare workers who have been the province’s heroes and the many partners, like the CTICC, the MSF and the Gift of the Givers who have worked with us to save thousands of lives. While the closure of two field hospitals is positive news for the province, we must all work hard to ensure that we continue to slow and contain the spread of the virus. Over the next few days, more of the economy will start to reopen, visits to family and friends and inter-provincial travel will be allowed and alcohol and cigarette bans will be lifted. These are welcomed because we must fight to save jobs and livelihoods but they will require us to continue to be cautious, and to take precautions to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe. My plea to all residents of the Western Cape is to act responsibly by wearing your mask, practicing social distancing and keeping up with hygiene measures,” Winde concluded.

Picture: Unsplash
