Just under 60 000 people have recovered from COVID-19 in the Western Cape since March, Premier Alan Winde announced today [July 12].

“We are pleased that the Western Cape has recorded almost 60 000 recoveries since the first case of the coronavirus was detected in the province on 11 March,” says Winde in a statement.

The Western Cape has 16 063 active cases of COVID-19, with a total of 77 476 confirmed cases and 59 070 recoveries.

While these statistics are positive, Winde reminds residents that the situation is ever-changing and that it is also the responsibility of the public to help prevent the spread of the virus.

“The world is constantly learning and developing new knowledge about COVID-19 and how to manage this disease. The use of high flow nasal oxygen and of the steroid dexamethasone have emerged as very successful treatment of more severe cases. But despite the advancements in science and medicine which can help to save lives, the most basic rules of hand washing, hygiene, mask wearing and social distancing are still the most effective tools we have to prevent the spread of the virus.”

“Coronavirus will be with us for a long time still and staying home as much as possible, and abiding by the golden rules can help to keep you, and your loved ones safe,” says Winde.

The province has recorded an additional 20 deaths, bringing the total number of COVID-19 related deaths in the province to 2343. To date, 350 961 tests have been conducted and 1 627 people have been admitted to hospital, of which 289 are in ICU or high care.

The breakdown of cases is as follows:

Picture: Pexels
