As of August, 14 the Western Cape has recorded 6 163 active cases of COVID-19, with a total of 99 806 confirmed cases and 90 115 recoveries. Another 26 deaths were recorded, bringing the total COVID-19 related death toll in the province to 3528.

A break down of the numbers reads as follows:

More data is available by clicking here.

Special focus on diabetics helping to save lives:

The Western Cape’s focus on high-risk patients, and specifically diabetics, continues with promising early feedback, according to the Western Cape government.

The project ensures that when a diabetic patient tests positive for COVID-19, the Department of Health makes daily contact with them. For high risk diabetics, health officials also encourage admission to the CTICC Hospital of Hope in order to monitor their health.

Over the past two weeks, 39 high-risk diabetic patients have been contacted, and admitted to hospital with only two deaths recorded. “This is especially promising, as the background mortality for this group is considerably higher, and at least 37%,” said Premier Alan Winde.

There are currently still have 18 of these patients still admitted at the Hospital of Hope where they are being closely monitored. The remaining 19 have been discharged and are recovering will at home.

“Since the 7th of August, we have also started the phase of the project focusing on low risk diabetics with COVID-19. Since the 7th of August, more than 60 patients have been contacted by a group of dedicated young doctors, and they are being followed up daily. Of this group- 13 have been referred for a more intense follow up by a medical officer for the remainder of their COVID-19 period,” said Winde.

“This focus on those people who are at greatest risk of severe illness and death, means that we are able to intervene early and ensure that proper treatment is given. While it is still early, the results we have seen show that this focus is saving lives.” said Winde.

If you are over the age of 55, diabetic or have an underlying comorbidity such as hypertension, or heart kidney or lung disease, and are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, it is important to get tested early. If you experience chest pains, or trouble breathing, seek immediate medical attention.


Image credit: Unsplash
